Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Choose the Right Stand for a 42 Inch LCD TV

Unless you're mounting your new 42 inch LCD TV on the wall or on the ceiling, you'll need a solid and reliable stand to support it. Many TVs come furnished with an appropriate stand, but some require that the stand be purchased separately. If the manufacturer furnishes your 42 inch LCD TV stand, and it meets your needs in terms of styling, you're in great shape. Because your 42 inch LCD TV could become an integral part of the room's decorating scheme, though, you may choose to purchase a stand that matches the needs of your viewing habits, your home, and your sense of style.

Because a 42 inch LCD TV is reasonably heavy, the most important requirement is that any stand must handle the weight of your particular 42 inch LCD TV and must provide a stable base in case it's bumped or jarred. For that reason, make sure the stand you purchase meets the unique weight and strength requirements of the 42 inch LCD TV you purchased. The last thing you want to have happen is for your new TV to become damaged simply because your stand wasn't up to the task. The owner's manual for your 42 inch LCD TV will specify all the requirements of a suitable and effective TV stand for that model.

There are a few other considerations besides strength, though. Let's look at a few other decisions you'll want to make to ensure you get the maximum enjoyment from your 42 inch LCD TV.

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